Beer: Discover Brewtopia at Central Market

Since tonight is the official start of the NFL regular season (Who Dat?), Joe fixed burgers, queso and guacamole. A quick meal so we could get down to the business of watching football. When I asked if we were having wine, he said, “This meal would be better with beer!” Did you know that last year there were nearly 1600 breweries operating in the United States? (Read more at Another Wine Blog)

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Labor Day and The Grapes of Tom Joad

Labor Day for many marks the end of Summer, and the return of Football to America. It’s not just another “Hallmark Holiday.” It’s not just a way to give bankers and government workers a day off. Or to allow Congress to take an extended break before returning to gridlock. In fact, it’s a holiday born from the concept of socialism – the organized labor movement. Want to read more? See the original content posted at If you’re seeing this on Barreling – The Wine Blog, the use of this content is unauthorized and we believe constitutes copyright infringement.

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