Guest Post: Napa Valley for Kids What to Do (And Not Do)

The Napa Valley Wine Country isn’t really known for kid-friendly venues, since the emphasis there is primarily on adult beverages. Nonetheless, for Labor Day weekend, my friend Glennia decided to do a day-trip to Napa Valley with her family, which is about a two-hour drive from their house. Here’s an account of their adventures exploring fun activities for kids in Napa Valley.

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Where there’s smoke…There’s Tailgating!

At the time, Joe lived in Ohio. And Texas has nothing Ohio when it comes to football fans, rivalries and tailgating. In fact, before I met Joe I had only been to “catered” tailgate parties. But for Joe — tailgating for the University of Toledo Rockets Football games was a religion, and we became master tailgaters! It seemed that our tailgate spreads became something of a legend, because it seemed every week it had to be bigger and better.

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Wine Competitions: It Won a Medal – It Must be Good!

A research study published in a recent issue of the Journal of Wine Economics found an interesting aspect of wine competitions that might be disturbing to our the aforementioned winemaker as well as to consumers who choose their purchases based on medals and ribbons: A gold medal in one competition does not mean a gold medal in another. In fact is may not even mean it’s good!

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