Occasionally I will venture into one of the local wine shops or an upscale market wine department to supplement my “cellar.” I’ve yet to find a wine guy I can trust. And I’m probably not alone. Here are the top three reasons to divorce your wine guy.
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Food for Thought: Recipe for Success
Beer Fest: Arrogant Bastards and Lusty Wenches!
Another Wine Byte 17: But Those Grapes Look Ripe!
Every though grapes might look ripe and ready to pick, the changing of green to purple is simply the beginning of the ripening process.
Continue readingFalwell, Flynt and K Vintners’ Charles Smith
Fresh from a late night viewing of “The People v. Larry Flynt,” I noticed a Google alert, “Winemaker Sues Anonymous Commenters on Wine Blog.” A few clicks later I find out that Charles Smith of K Vintners filed a complaint and caused subpoenas to be served on Google to get the IP addresses of the anonymous commenters.
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Labor Day and The Grapes of Tom Joad
Labor Day for many marks the end of Summer, and the return of Football to America. It’s not just another “Hallmark Holiday.” It’s not just a way to give bankers and government workers a day off. Or to allow Congress to take an extended break before returning to gridlock. In fact, it’s a holiday born from the concept of socialism – the organized labor movement. Want to read more? See the original content posted at http://www.anotherwineblog.com/archives/9523 If you’re seeing this on Barreling – The Wine Blog, the use of this content is unauthorized and we believe constitutes copyright infringement.
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Wine Drinkers: Thanks for Your Engagement!
Bruce McGechan has a blog called MyLocalWineStore.com. He’s a geek for statistics and analytics. He decided to do some research on which blogs were the most engaging. Give up? The post is called “Wine Blog Engagement Scores – a surprising result” And we were, indeed, surprised. Out of 28 top blogs, the surprising result was…
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