Category: Holiday
Labor Day and The Grapes of Tom Joad
Labor Day for many marks the end of Summer, and the return of Football to America. It’s not just another “Hallmark Holiday.” It’s not just a way to give bankers and government workers a day off. Or to allow Congress to take an extended break before returning to gridlock. In fact, it’s a holiday born from the concept of socialism – the organized labor movement. Want to read more? See the original content posted at If you’re seeing this on Barreling – The Wine Blog, the use of this content is unauthorized and we believe constitutes copyright infringement.
Continue readingGreat Wines for Labor Day: New Age from Argentina
These refreshing spritzers are all the rage with the jet setters and hip crowd in Argentina. Refreshing and low in alcohol, these are the perfect wines to accompany dancing on the patio or sunning by the pool. They also make a great addition to the end of summer Labor Day cook-out!
Continue readingSome photos from Santorini
These photos fail to capture the spectacular beauty of Santorini, but they will give you some idea of what we have been seeing at every turn.
Continue readingFor Purple Mountain Majesty…
I’ve always thought that America The Beautiful should be our National Anthem. One, because it’s much easier to sing. But primarily because it focuses on the beauty of the country, rather than the ugliness of war. Sure, it talks about freedom, and patriotism, and heroes; but the main focus is on the magnificence of its lands and the innate goodness of its people.
Continue readingWho are you calling a Shameless Hussy?
At the tasting we met a delightful couple, Don and Judy Phelps, owners of “Hard Row to Hoe” Vineyards. They poured a refreshing Sangiovese Dry Rosé. And Judy told me the story behind the name. Seems that back in the late 1930s, there was a brothel located at Point Lovely.
Continue readingGreat Argentine Sparkler for Memorial Weekend BBQ
I was expecting sweet. But what we got was a crisp, drier wine with a refreshing finish, much closer to a true champagne. and a perfect pairing with summer barbecue!
Continue readingAnother Wine Byte 16: A Little Bit of Blarney
Many a sommelier student has heard that Haut-Brion was named such by an Irishman named O’Brian or O’Brien, who wanted to make wine but knew that no Frenchman would consider wine made by an Irishman worthy of his palate. So he adopted a French spelling and pronunciation of the name.
Continue readingFish for Lent?
This isn’t going to be another one of those tired old articles about how to not suffer too much during Lent. In fact, if you are a believer who devoutly gives up meat for the horrors of something like shrimp or sushi, you should probably stop reading right now and go get yourself some *&#%ing tilapia.
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