Category: Rant
Tristan Risk Up for Best Supporting Actress in 2014 FANGORIA Chainsaw Awards
Wine Blogs Are a Massive Circle Jerk
So, you want to be a blogger?
Dodd-Frank, Obama & China’s Wine Speculators
Wine Bloggers’ 5-Year Reunion: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Redux
Money, Guns and Workers: The True Meaning of Labor Day
Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
Reality: The Myth. On Super Bowls and Santorini
While I am serving snacks during half-time of the Super Bowl, I am forced to watch a 53-year old Madonna lip-syncing her greatest hits. Then comes the pom-poms and the cheerleader skirt. Are you SERIOUS, I say aloud? This is what has become of my generation?
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