14th Edition of Anteprima Amarone Fast Approaching

Palazzo della Gran Guardia in Verona, Italy will be the site of Anteprima Amarone 2013 January 28th through 30th, three days dedicated to tasting the just-released vintage of this voluptuous red wine. The event is organized by the Consorzio per la Tutela dei Vini Valpolicella, an association that includes viticulturists, winemakers and bottlers from the Valpolicella wine production region, a territory that embraces 19 municipalities in the Verona area. It represents over 80% of the producers that use […]

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Tickets Still Available: Raise Your Glass to CIS!

A handful of tickets are still available for the Raise Your Glass to CIS! wine tasting event today at Bay Oaks Country Club in Clear Lake City, Texas. The event, which starts at 4:00 p.m. and runs until 5:30 p.m., raises money for Communities in Schools – Bay Area programs to keep at-risk students in school. UPDATE: DUE TO HEAVY RAINS AND FLOODING IN THE AREA ON APRIL 18th THE EVENT IS RESCHEDULED FOR APRIL 26th.  Each […]

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